Booth Overview




Daily Special Seminar


Day 1.

Day 2.

Day 3.

Executives' Visit


NEC's President Endo-san (right).

NEC's CMO Shimizu-san (right), at the O3 Project exhibition, SDI ShowCase.

Government's CIO Endo-san (left).

A Contribution


A switch in the "Speaker Lounge."

Exhibits in SDI ShowCase




SDI Presentation


Some members had presentations in the "SDI ShowCase."

Interop Awards

Tokyo "Best of Show"

1999IPv6 DemonstrationsNOC Special Prize
2001"CX5220/CX5210" IP Switch Core RouterInfrastructure Products for CarriesGrand Prize
2002Email Chat "MOBILE GROUP MESSENGER"Application Software ProductsGrand Prize
2003Network Image Server "NW-IS102B"PC/Server/Storage/Peripheral ProductsSpecial Prize
2004"CX6820-SS," "SV7000"DemonstrationSpecial Prize
2005"SIPHIA"ProductSpecial Prize
2006IPv6 Multicast Inter-booth DemostrationShowNet DemonstrationGrand Prized
2007Metal Access System "ESU (Ethernet Service Unit)" SeriesHome Networking Related ProdcutsGrand Prize
VPN Appliance "UNIVERGE SecureBranch"Appliance Related ProductsSpecial Prize
2008New Power Saving Server "ECO CENTER"PC/Server/Storage/PeripheralGrand Prize
Green ITGrand Prize
2009VPN Virtual Appliance "SecureBranch VM-Edition"Network Security ProductsGrand Prize
Thin Client "US10Na"Information SecuritySpecial Prize
Shuichi SaitoShowNet Contributer MVP
2010"WebSAM Invariant Analyzer"People's ChoiceGrand Prize
2011ProgrammableFlowSolution & ServiceGrand Prize
Shownet ProductGrand Prize
Shownet DemonstrationSpecial Prize
"Touch Wall"ProductJudging Committee Special Prize
2012Scale Out Type Data Base "InfoFrame Relational Store"Cloud Computing & VirtualizationSpecial Prize
Outdoor Type Embedded Antenna Micro Wave Communication System "iPASOLINK SX," Outdoor Multilayer Switch "iPASOLINK GX"Carrier/SP/Enterprize NetworkingSpecial Prize
( "RISE Controller" (NICT) (Trema-based) )(ShowNet Product)(Grand Prize)
2013Draft11ac Home Router "AtermWG1800HP," "WG1400HP," "WF800HP"Mobile & WirelessGrand Prize
OpenFlow1.3.1 Interoperability Testing and Practical User Service DemonstrationShowNet Related DemonstrationGrand Prize
w/Ixia, HP, Tokyo
Cloud Infrastructure Product using OpenFlow/SDN Technology in Cloud Environment "WebSAM Cloud Manager" / "WebSAM vDC Automation"People's Choice, ProductsGrand Prize
"UNIVERGE PF" Series (Ver5.0)People's Choice, ProductsQuasi-Grand Prize
NEC (Booth)People's Choice, installationQuasi-Grand Prize
2014"Cloud Platform for Dedicated Hosting"Data Center & StorageGrand Prize
ExpEtherFrontier ChallangeSpecial Prize

Las Vegas "Best of Interop"

2002"Express5800/320 La"Network Servers & Peripherals
2011"ProgrammableFlow PF5240 Switch"Infrastructure
2012"ProgrammableFlow PF6800 Controller 2.0"Management, Monitoring & Testing
Grand Prize
2014"NEC Unified Network Coordinator (UNC)"Management

A page of tokyo2014
Roy, June 26, 2014